Our curriculum is designed to prepare students for success in college. The faculty works closely with each student to develop a skill set that focuses on creativity, curiosity, critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and collaboration. The ultimate goal of a Cristo Rey New York education is that all of our students will graduate from both high school and college. During their four years in high school they will gain a deep understanding of both themselves and the world around them.
By the time of their graduation, our students will have an understanding of and an ongoing commitment to these six core values of our school community: to be men and women who are open to growth, religious, intellectually curious, loving, committed to justice and work-experienced.
Students at CRNYHS are required to take a total of 31 credits over their four years. This includes:
English 4 Credits
History 3.5 Credits
Mathematics 4.5 Credits
Religion 4 Credits
Science 4.5 Credits
Spanish 2 or 3 Credits
Fine Arts/Electives .5 or 1.5 Credits
Corporate Work Study Program 4 Credits
College Counseling .5 Credits
Physical Education/Health: 2.5 credits/4 years of participation
AP English Literature
AP Spanish Language
AP Spanish Literature
AP US History
AP Pre Calculus
Honors American Literature
Honors Algebra II and Trigonometry
Honors British Studies
Honors Calculus
Honors U.S History
Honors Physics
ALL CRNYHS students must take the SAT test at least twice: in the spring of their junior year and in fall of their senior year. CRNYHS has been designated a testing site and students will take the SAT here.
ALL CRNYHS students must complete Christian Service each year.
Students in Advanced Placement courses must take the related Advanced Placement Exam.
All Seniors must apply to at least five colleges.