The cost of providing an education for one Cristo Rey New York student is about $22,000 per year. Through our Corporate Work Study Program, students earn a significant portion of the cost of their education. Cristo Rey New York has not increased our tuition of $2,000 since the day we opened in 2004, and on average, families only pay about $1,400, as we will turn no student away for an inability to pay. Our model is innovative and successful but it does result in a large shortfall underwritten entirely through philanthropic support.
Contact us at development@cristoreyny.org to make a donation today.
Cristo Rey New York High School is a 501(c)3 organization, and your contributions are fully tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. Tax ID: 03-0495750.

Use our online form to make a secure donation to CRNYHS. If you have questions, please contact the CRNYHS Development Office at development@cristoreyny.org.
Make your gift go TWICE as far - see if your company will match your donation!
We thank you so much for your generous support!
Use the form below to make a secure online donation to CRNYHS. If you have questions, please contact the CRNYHS Development Office at development@cristoreyny.org.
Make your gift go TWICE as far, see if your company will match your donation!
We thank you so much for your generous support!
Checks are always welcome and should be made payable to: Cristo Rey New York High School.
Mail to:Cristo Rey New York High School
Attn: Development Department
112 East 106th Street
New York, NY 10029
Make a gift from your Donor-Advised fund by clicking HERE.
DTC # 0141
Account Name: Cristo Rey NY High School
Account #: 6565-2298
Tax ID #: 03-0495750
Contributing appreciated securities to CRNYHS is an ideal way to make a gift. Electronic transfers can be made by your broker to CRNYHS's brokerage account at First Clearing, LLC.
DTC # 0141
Account Name: Cristo Rey NY High School
Account #: 6565-2298
Please contact the Development Office at (212) 457-2806 and promptly notify us of a stock transfer so we can correctly record your donation. Our brokerage firm does not receive your name or specific instructions regarding your gift.
Many employers match the charitable contributions of their employees. Some even match the gifts of spouses and retirees as well. If your employer has a matching gift program, you must either obtain a matching gift form from your company and send it to CRNYHS along with your own contribution for us to fill out and return, or find out if your company has a website to which you can report your contribution, and the match will be initiated automatically.
Your memorial gift to CRNYHS can perpetuate the values that guided a loved one’s life. The honorary gift recognizes a person during his or her lifetime or commemorates a significant event. These gifts will be recognized in Mass celebrated at Cristo Rey New York High School and a Mass card will be sent to the person or their family on your behalf.
A bequest is a gift made through a will. It can be given as a specific amount, as a percentage of an estate, or as a remainder share. A bequest reduces the size of the taxable portion of an estate and can lower federal estate tax liability. A codicil naming CRNYHS as a beneficiary can be added to an existing will. Those who set up bequests or other planned gifts to CRNYHS (and notify the school) are welcomed into the Magis Society. For assistance, please contact development@cristoreyny.org.
Please contact Development at development@cristoreyny.org to discuss the donation of in-kind gifts such as furniture, books, equipment, sporting tickets, etc.

Gifts to Cristo Rey New York High School have an immediate and purposeful impact in providing a quality, Catholic, college and career preparatory education to young men and women in New York City with limited educational options. Through your gift, you become part of the positive change that is taking place in America by joining a local school that is part of a 39-school network that has 3,500 Corporate Partners, 70 University Partners, and other benefactors that are providing hope and the opportunity for college success to thousands of students across America today.